Volunteering is fun!

Join a community of volunteers.

Your volunteer efforts make a difference!

Volunteers wanted!

We exist because of our volunteers. Please join MSS with an occasional hour or two of volunteering — remote or on site. If you have time and skills in marketing, social media, fundraising, photography, videography, event planning, community outreach, or on site, studio organizing, cleaning, classroom assistance, and gardening. We can arrange for a fun family work project or a scout community service event. It is always fun.
Please contact Sara at info@middleburystudioschool.org

Wish List

The studio is also in need of the following items. If you have any of these things and you’d like to donate one of them, bring it by and we will give you a receipt if you ask for one.

  • art supplies-usable oil paints, table easels, brushes-all kinds, acrylics suitable for children to use
  • newspapers
  • pitch fork
  • paper bags -small-medium-large

Amazon Smile

Did you know that you Amazon will donate .5% or your Amazon Purchases to the Middlebury Studio School?   All you have to do is go to smile.amazon.com to make your purchases instead of Amazon.com.

On your first visit to AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), select Middlebury Studio School from the drop down menu of charitable organizations.   Every time you shop return to  smile.amazon.com and MSS will receive .5% of eligible purchases.  It’s that simple!

Middlebury Studio School

Clay Studio
2377 Route 7 South
Middlebury, VT 05753

MSS Marble Works
63 Maple St #8A
Middlebury, VT 05753

Office/MSS Marble Works Phone:

Clay Studio Phone:
